Professional Hoarder Clean Up Services

Professional Hoarder Clean Up Services

Specialty Junk Removal and Trash Solutions provides sympathetic and professional “Hoarder House” clean up services for residential properties and private residences throughout Richmond and Henrico, regardless of condition or severity of clutter. Our company understands the psychological nature of “Hoarding” and that it requires a great deal of patience, understanding and empathy especially during the cleanout process. A person identified as a “Hoarder” may not take to the idea of getting rid of their possessions making it extremely important to hire a company that works quickly and is judgement-free.

Specialty Junk Removal is a one-stop shop for all Hoarder houses clear out and clean ups. Our quick item removal and disposal provides peace of mind and a new sense of comfort. Yes, we are a junk removal and trash company, but we also understand that 100% of Hoarders do not consider their possessions “Junk,” instead, they see their clutter as a safety net and familiar environment. This idea makes it even more important to clear out spaces as quickly and respectfully as possible. Our company also provides additional cleaning services in the case that removals uncover dead animals, feces, rotten food, maggots, roaches and mites. Many contaminants, airborne and surface, can also be present so Specialty Junk Removal takes extra precautions at all times. Contact one of our Specialists to discuss the needs of your project and we can provide a FREE estimate.



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